
— About —

Hey, friend.

You are welcome here. It’s so nice to meet you. I wish we could sit with tea and brownies and have a heart-to-heart. I hope we can someday—but in the meantime, let’s get acquainted. I’m Schuyler, a historical spy novelist in love with Charles Dickens novels and 1800s classics. They’re the best, aren’t they? In fact, I loved them so much that I started hand-writing a Sherlock Holmes fan fiction in my teens, and I’ve been writing ever since. The fan fiction shifted to an original story of my own—War of Loyalties—a WW1 spy novel that married my love of intrigue, deep platonic friendships, and Irish/British culture (check it out here). When I’m not writing (or grading English papers), I love one-on-one chats in coffee shops (where I’d rather get French sodas), filling my earbuds with Andrew Peterson and Celtic Thunder (check out my favorite playlist on Spotify) and bingeing Masterpiece Theater miniseries (let’s binge together on Facebook!)

You and me? We breathe stories. We know that a stack of books is the best of the earth. And a vintage stack of hardbacks? Positively magical. We love chunky books and 1800s London streets and characters that feel so real they become a piece of our heart. We know that the kaleidoscope of human nature is heartbreaking and wondrous, and we want characters who show that lost hearts can be found and broken places can be healed again.

So why spy novels? While I’ve never fought in a war, I have been involved in helping peace come to my world. It isn’t always easy—in fact, it’s down-right gut-wrenching sometimes—and easy to lose yourself along the way. As I’ve grown up, I’ve found the greatest fight has been not only bringing peace to my world, but also to my own heart. As my characters solve crimes, break up spy rings, uncover assassins, and bring justice to the lives of victims, they break and heal in extraordinary ways. I’ve lived that as I write. I’m guessing you’ve found that to be true in your life, too. And I hope these books can be a grace to you along your journey.

Can we chat more? I’d love to hang out with you over at my spy-inspired newsletters, on Instagram, or at my Facebook classic-lovers corner, The Baker Street Bibliophiles.

Thanks for stopping by!
